Some attention has recently been called to the great street we call home. Gay Street gained national attention as it made the 2012 American Planning Association’s Great Streets list, as part of their Great Places initiative. This month marks our third year on Gay Street and we’re glad to call it home!
Gay Street was recognized for many characteristics, but a few highlights are:
– Sterchi Brothers Furniture and other furniture companies were established in the first half of the 20th century, creating a historic base for Knoxville’s business center.
– Knox Heritage was formed in 1974 as a group of concerned citizens stepped up to save the Bijou Theatre.
– The City of Knoxville committed to the revitalization of Downtown by adopting both the Downtown Knoxville Plan in 1987 and the Downtown Streetscape Plan in 1988.
More recent renovation achievements include:
– A complete restoration of the Tennessee Theatre in 2005.
– Renovation of the 500 Block: including the Regal Riviera Theater, the S & W Cafeteria building, and the renovation of one commercial space for Coolato Gelato and two office spaces for Elizabeth Eason Architecture and CRJA Landscape Architects.
– The recent 2012 completion to the streetscape improvements of the 100 block to South Gay Street.
We moved into the 500 block of Gay Street in 2009 after renovating the second and third floor space.
To see more about the Great Streets list, visit the American Planning Association’s website.